1. Presentation of the Group integrated report


average age of directors


independent directors***


female directors***


male directors***


Mr Jean-Paul Agon

Age: 65

Female/Male: M

Nationality: French

No. of offices in listed: 1

Initial date of appointment: 25/04/2006

Expiry date of term of office (AGM): 2022

Years of service on the Board: 15

Board Committees

Strategy and Sustainability: Chairman of the Committee

Chief Executive Officer

Mr Nicolas Hieronimus

Age: 57

Female/Male: M

Nationality: French

Initial date of appointment: 20/04/2021

Expiry date of term of office (AGM): 2025

Years of service on the Board: < 1

Françoise Bettencourt Meyers and her family

Ms Françoise Bettencourt Meyers Vice-Chairwoman

Age: 68

Female/Male: F

Nationality: French

Initial date of appointment: 12/06/1997

Expiry date of term of office (AGM): 2025

Years of service on the Board: 24

Board Committees

Strategy and Sustainability: Member of the Committee

HR and Remuneration: Member of the Committee

Nominations and Governance: Member of the Committee

Mr Jean-Victor Meyers

Age: 35

Female/Male: M

Nationality: French

Initial date of appointment: 13/02/2012 

Expiry date of term of office (AGM): 2024

Years of service on the Board: 9

Board Committees

Strategy and Sustainability: Member of the Committee

Mr Nicolas Meyers

Age: 33

Female/Male: M

Nationality: French

Initial date of appointment: 30/06/2020

Expiry date of term of office (AGM): 2024

Years of service on the Board: 1

Board Committees

Audit: Member of the Committee

Directors linked to Nestlé

Mr Paul Bulcke


Age: 67

Female/Male: M

Nationality: Belgian Swiss

No. of offices in listed: 2

Initial date of appointment: 20/04/2017

Expiry date of term of office (AGM): 2025

Years of service on the Board: 4

Board Committees

Strategy and Sustainability: Member of the Committee

HR and Remuneration: Member of the Committee

Nominations and Governance: Member of the Committee

Ms Béatrice Guillaume-Grabisch

Age: 57

Female/Male: F

Nationality: French

Initial date of appointment: 20/04/2016

Expiry date of term of office (AGM): 2024

Years of service on the Board: 5

Board Committees

Audit: Member of the Committee

Independent directors

Ms Sophie Bellon

Age: 60

Female/Male: F

Nationality: French

No. of offices in listed: 1

Independence: Independence within the meaning of the criteria of the AFEP-MEDEF Code as assessed by the Board of Directors

Initial date of appointment: 22/04/2015

Expiry date of term of office (AGM): 2023

Years of service on the Board: 6

Board Committees

Audit: Member of the Committee

HR and Remuneration: Chairman of the Committee

Nominations and Governance: Chairman of the Committee

Mr Patrice Caine

Age: 51

Female/Male: M

Nationality: French

No. of offices in listed: 1

Independence: Independence within the meaning of the criteria of the AFEP-MEDEF Code as assessed by the Board of Directors

Initial date of appointment: 17/04/2018

Expiry date of term of office (AGM): 2022

Years of service on the Board: 3

Board Committees

Strategy and Sustainability: Member of the Committee

Nominations and Governance: Member of the Committee

Ms Fabienne Dulac

Age: 54

Female/Male: F

Nationality: French

No. of offices in listed: 1

Independence: Independence within the meaning of the criteria of the AFEP-MEDEF Code as assessed by the Board of Directors

Initial date of appointment: 18/04/2019

Expiry date of term of office (AGM): 2023

Years of service on the Board: 2

Board Committees

Audit: Member of the Committee

HR and Remuneration: Member of the Committee

Ms Belén Garijo

Age: 61

Female/Male: F

Nationality: Spanish

No. of offices in listed: 2

Independence: Independence within the meaning of the criteria of the AFEP-MEDEF Code as assessed by the Board of Directors

Initial date of appointment: 17/04/2014

Expiry date of term of office (AGM): 2022

Years of service on the Board: 7

Board Committees

HR and Remuneration: Member of the Committee

Ms Ilham Kadri

Age: 53

Female/Male: F

Nationality: French Moroccan

No. of offices in listed: 2

Independence: Independence within the meaning of the criteria of the AFEP-MEDEF Code as assessed by the Board of Directors

Initial date of appointment: 30/06/2020

Expiry date of term of office (AGM): 2024

Years of service on the Board: 1

Ms Virginie Morgon

Age: 52

Female/Male: F

Nationality: French

No. of offices in listed: 2

Independence: Independence within the meaning of the criteria of the AFEP-MEDEF Code as assessed by the Board of Directors

Initial date of appointment: 26/04/2013

Expiry date of term of office (AGM): 2025

Years of service on the Board: 8

Board Committees

Audit: Chairman of the Committee

Mr Alexandre Ricard

Age: 49

Female/Male: M

Nationality: French

No. of offices in listed: 1

Independence: Independence within the meaning of the criteria of the AFEP-MEDEF Code as assessed by the Board of Directors

Initial date of appointment: 20/04/2021

Expiry date of term of office (AGM): 2025

Years of service on the Board: < 1

Director representing employees

Ms Ana Sofia Amaral

Age: 56

Female/Male: F

Nationality: Portuguese

No. of offices in listed: 2

Initial date of appointment: 15/07/2014

Expiry date of term of office (AGM): 2022

Years of service on the Board: 7

Board Committees

HR and Remuneration: Member of the Committee

Mr Georges Liarokapis

Age: 59

Female/Male: M

Nationality: French Greek

Initial date of appointment: 15/07/2014

Expiry date of term of office (AGM): 2022

Years of service on the Board: 7

Board Committees

Audit: Member of the Committee

♦ Independence within the meaning of the criteria of the AFEP-MEDEF Code as assessed by the Board of Directors ●Member of the Committee C Chairman of the Committee

*  Number of offices (excluding L’Oréal) held in listed companies, including foreign companies, in accordance with the provisions of Article 19 of the AFEP-MEDEF Code (i.e. excluding offices in subsidiaries and shareholdings, held alone or in concert, by a corporate executive officer of companies whose main activity is to acquire and manage such holdings).

**  Paul Bulcke was a Director of L’Oréal from 2012 to June 2014 and then again since 2017.

*** Excluding directors representing employees.