2. Corporate Governance

  Amount Description
Performance shares Performance sharesAmount


Performance sharesDescription

Concerning the granting of performance shares in 2022, the Board of Directors will be called upon to decide on the implementation of a new Plan within the scope of the authorisation subject to the vote of the Annual General Meeting on 21 April 2022.

The grant that would be decided for Mr Nicolas Hieronimus would comply with the recommendations of the AFEP-MEDEF Code. The value of the grant (estimated according to the IFRS standards), represents approximately 50% of the executive corporate officer’s total remuneration without exceeding 60%.

Mr Nicolas Hieronimus is also required to hold 50% of the free shares that are fully vested to him at the end of the vesting period in registered form until the termination of his term of corporate office. Final vesting of these shares is subject to achievement of performance conditions which will be recorded at the end of a 4-year vesting period as from the grant date. The number of vested shares would depend:

        • on growth in comparable cosmetics sales versus those of a panel of competitors, which consists of Unilever, Procter & Gamble, Estée Lauder, Shiseido, Beiersdorf, Johnson & Johnson, Henkel, LVMH, Kao and Coty (40%);
        • on growth in the Group’s consolidated operating profit (40%);
        • on the fulfilment of environmental and social responsibility commitments made by the Group as part of the L'Oréal for the Future programme (% of sites that are “carbon neutral”; % of formula ingredients that are biobased, traceable and come from sustainable sources; % of plastic packaging that comes from either recycled or biobased sources; number of people benefitting from the Group’s brands’ social commitment programmes), hereinafter L’Oréal for the Future Committements" (15%);
        • on gender balance within management bodies (strategic positions such as on the Executive Committee, hereinafter the “Management Bodies”) (5%).

The calculation will be based on the arithmetical average for the three full financial years of the vesting period. The first full year taken into account for assessment of the performance conditions relating to this grant would be 2023.


Concerning the sales criterion, in order for all the performance shares granted to be finally vested by the beneficiaries at the end of the vesting period, L’Oréal must outperform the average growth in sales of the panel of competitors. Below this level, the number of finally vested shares is in decline. If the L’Oréal’s comparable growth in net sales is lower than the average growth in net sales of the panel of competitors, no shares will be finally vested under this criterion.

Concerning the criterion related to operating profit, a level of growth, defined by the Board, but not made public for confidentiality reasons, must be met or exceeded in order for all the performance shares granted to finally vest for the beneficiaries at the end of the vesting period. Below this level, the number of finally vested shares is in decline. If the operating profit does not increase in absolute value over the period, no share will finally vest pursuant to this criterion.

Concerning the criterion of fulfilling L’Oréal for the Future Commitments, in order for all the free shares granted to be finally vested by the beneficiaries at the end of the vesting period, a certain average level of achievement of the L’Oréal for the Future Committements, defined by the Board and made public, must be reached over the period. Below this level, the grant decreases. No shares will vest if the average of the results for the L’Oréal for the Future Committements falls below the minimum level defined by the Board and made public.

Concerning the criterion of gender balance within the Management Bodies, in order for all the free shares granted to be finally vested by the beneficiaries at the end of the vesting period, the average representation of one of the sexes must account for at least 40% of employees on the Management Bodies. Below this level, the grant decreases. No shares will vest in relation to this criterion if the average representation of one of the sexes is less than 35% over the vesting period.

Remuneration as Director Remuneration as DirectorAmount


Remuneration as DirectorDescription

Mr Nicolas Hieronimus will not receive remuneration for his position as Director.

Benefits in addition to remuneration Benefits in addition to remunerationAmount


Benefits in addition to remunerationDescription
  • Benefits in kind
    Mr Nicolas Hieronimus benefits from the material resources needed for the performance of his office such as, for example, the provision of a car with a driver.  These arrangements, which are strictly limited to professional use, to the exclusion of all private use, are not benefits in kind.
  • Additional social protection schemes: defined contribution pension, employee benefit and healthcare schemes

Mr Nicolas Hieronimus will continue to be treated in the same way as a senior manager during the term of his corporate office, which will allow him to continue to benefit from the additional social protection schemes and, in particular, the defined contribution pension scheme, and the employee benefit and healthcare schemes applicable to the Company’s employees. The amount of the pension resulting from the employer’s contributions for the defined contribution pension scheme will be deducted from the pension due in respect of the defined benefit pension in accordance with the provisions of this collective scheme.