2.6. Summary statement of trading by directors and corporate officers in L’Oréal shares in 2021

2. Corporate Governance

2.6. Summary statement of trading by directors and corporate officers in L’Oréal shares in 2021

2.6. Summary statement of trading by directors and corporate officers in L’Oréal shares in 2021

(Article 223-26 of the General Regulation of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers)

Person concerned Description of the financial instrument Nature of transaction Number of transactions Total amount
Jean-Paul Agon Chairman and Chief Executive Officer until 30 April 2021 Equity securities Final vesting of free shares granted subject to performance conditions (ACAs)* 1 €0.00
Chairman of the Board of Directors since 1 May 2021 Directors since 1 May 2021 Equity securities Other ** 3 €0.00
  Equity securities Sale 7 €20,943,314.02
Mr Nicolas Hieronimus Director since 20 April 2021 Chief Executive Officer since 1 May 2021 Equity securities Final vesting of free Final vesting of freeshares granted subject shares granted subject to performance conditions (ACAs)*** 11 €0.00
Ms Virginie Morgon Director Equity securities Acquisition 1 €99,877.7
Mr Georges Liarokapis Director Employees Mutual Fund (FCPE) Acquisition 1 €22,309.55
Company (Nestlé) linked to Mr Paul Bulcke and Ms Béatrice Guillaume-Grabisch (Directors) Equity securities Sale**** 1 €8,904,000,000.00

* Delivery on 21 April 2021 of the ACAs Plan of 20 April 2017 (see section 2.4.4. “Summary table of Mr Jean-Paul Agon's remuneration, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer until 30 April 2021” of this document).

** Donations made by Mr Jean-Paul Agon.

*** Delivery on 21 April 2021 of the ACAs Plan of 20 April 2017 (see section 2.4.6. “Summary table of the remuneration of Mr Nicolas Hieronimus, Chief Executive Officer from 1 May 2021” of this document).

**** Transfer by Nestlé to L’Oréal of 22,260,000 L’Oréal shares as part of its redemption programme authorised by the Annual General Meeting of 20 April 2021 (see section 7.3. “Shareholder structure” and section 7.3.6. “Buy back by he Company of its own shares” of this document).