2. Corporate Governance

 Terms and conditions
  • Suspension of Nicolas Hieronimus’ employment contract during the term of his corporate office. In the event of termination of his suspended employment contract during the term of office, and depending on the reasons for such termination, Nicolas Hieronimus will only receive the severance pay (save for gross misconduct or gross negligence) or retirement indemnities in the event of voluntary retirement or retirement at the Company’s request payable under the employment contract that has been suspended. These indemnities, which are attached solely to termination of the employment contract and in strict application of the French collective bargaining agreement for the chemicals industry (Convention collective nationale des industries chimiques) and the company-level agreements applicable to all L’Oréal managers, are  automatically due pursuant to the public policy rules of French labor law. They are not subject to any condition other than those provided for by the collective bargaining agreement or the above-mentioned company-level agreements. The same applies to the non-compete clause and the related financial consideration.
    Nicolas Hieronimus will continue to benefit, under his employment contract suspended for the term of his corporate office, from the “Garantie de Ressources des Retraités Anciens Cadres Dirigeants” (Retirement Income Guarantee for former senior managers) scheme, closed to new entrants as from 31 December 2015. Indemnities are calculated according to the number of years of professional activity within the company as of 31 December 2019, up to a maximum of 25 years. In general, subsequent to 31 December 2019, no new entitlement is granted under this scheme pursuant to Order 2019-697 of 3 July 2019 on supplementary pension schemes, which provides for the closure of all defined-benefit schemes governed by Article L.137-11 of the French Social Security Code (Code la sécurité sociale). The main features of this scheme are described in Note to the 2020 L’Oréal Universal Registration Document. In this specific case, Nicolas Hieronimus reached the limit of 25 years’ professional activity in the Group provided under the scheme in 2012 and therefore has not benefited from any new entitlement to supplementary annuities since such date.
    Under his employment contract and in accordance with the French collective bargaining agreement for the chemicals industry, in the event of termination of the employment contract, the compensation under the non-compete clause would be payable monthly over two years based on two-thirds of the monthly fixed remuneration provided for in the suspended employment contract, unless Nicolas Hieronimus was released from the application of this clause. This clause is not applicable in the event of voluntary retirement or retirement at the Company’s request and no non-compete compensation would be paid in this situation.
    Under no circumstances shall the remuneration received for the corporate office be taken into consideration in calculating benefits likely to be payable under the above-mentioned employment contract.
  • Terms and conditions relating to the suspension of Nicolas Hieronimus’ employment contract
    • The reference remuneration to be taken into account for all entitlements attached to the employment contract will be based on the amount of remuneration at the date of suspension of the employment contract, namely, fixed remuneration of €1,750,000 and variable remuneration of €1,850,000. This reference remuneration will be revised annually by applying the revaluation coefficient in respect of salaries and pension contributions published by the French state pension fund (Caisse nationale d’assurance vieillesse). As of 1 January 2022 it comprised a fixed portion of €1,769,250 and a variable portion of €1,870,350.
    • The length of service applied will cover his entire career within the Group, including his years as corporate officer.
  • Nicolas Hieronimus will continue to be treated in the same way as a senior manager throughout the term of his corporate office, which allows him to benefit from the additional social protection schemes, including the defined-contribution pension scheme and employee benefit and healthcare schemes applicable to the Company’s employees. This information is contained in the remuneration policy submitted for approval to the Annual General Meeting of 21 April 2022.

Neuilly-sur-Seine and Paris-La Défense, 18 February 2022

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