4. L’Oréal’s social, environmental and societal responsibility

4.1.2. Constant dialogue with stakeholders

L’Oréal is perfectly aware that, to grow sustainably, a company must take into consideration its ecosystem composed of its stakeholders. The Group attaches great importance to dialogue with all stakeholders.

Within the framework of ongoing dialogue and as part of a process aimed at making continual progress, L’Oréal endeavours to take into account its stakeholders’expectations in its strategy. For this purpose, the Group has defined and developed a method of ad hoc interaction, that it considers the most efficient and appropriate, with all the stakeholders involved.

The dialogue conducted by L’Oréal with its stakeholders has grown in importance over time. Stakeholders were consulted in the context of the construction of the Group’s first sustainability programme, Sharing Beauty with All, both before the definition of its commitments and during follow-up.

In defining the L’Oréal for the Future programme for 2030, since April 2019, seven internal expert panels have coordinated independent studies and worked with outside partners and civil society to define L’Oréal’s next steps in sustainability. The outcome of these dialogues and consultations is an ambitious strategy, built on quantified impact reduction targets, and make a positive contribution to its ecosystem.

The Group conducts ongoing dialogues with NGOs, associations and experts on a large number of environmental and societal issues around the world to review its policies and action plans, and ensure their relevance.



L’Oréal sets up a large number of dialogue arrangements with its employees to ensure their health, safety and well-being at work while listening to their concerns.


More than 60% of employees logged on to the Ethics Day sessions and more than 8,000 questions were asked worldwide.

In 2021, 91% of the employees invited took part in the “Pulse” engagement survey, which showed significant progress on all components of the Simplicity management programme.


L’Oréal maintains an extensive dialogue with its suppliers and shares its ambitions and best practices in the area of sustainable development with them.


During annual Business Reviews(1), L’Oréal discusses five primary issues with its suppliers: quality, CSR, innovation, delivery/supply chain and competitiveness. In 2021, 627 Business Reviews took place.

L’Oréal shares the information and best practices with its suppliers around the world: since 2018, more than 700 suppliers of “Retail & Promo” Sourcing Domain have been trained on the eco-design of point-of-sales materials.


L’Oréal is heedful of both current and future needs and concerns of its consumers, in particular with regard to sustainable development.


In 2021, pursuing the work of the Advisory Committee established in 2016, L’Oréal continued its active policy of listening to consumers on sustainable development issues through consumer panels in the United States, India, China and European order to understand their expectations and fine-tune its policies.

Shareholders ShareholdersCURRENT RELATIONSHIPS

L’Oréal is committed to developing a relationship of trust with all its shareholders, particularly in the context of theCovid-19 health crisis. Thus, the Financial Communication Department offers a range of multimedia and digital tools, organises regular meetings with shareholders and their associations, and takes part in the discussions of professional associations.

ShareholdersSOME INITIATIVES IN 2021
  • The Group published an interactive digital Annual Report along with an Integrated Report;
  • “Letters to Shareholders” and newsletters were distributed;
  • The 2021 Annual General Meeting was broadcast live, and the recording can be accessed on the loreal-finance.com website, with the possibility for shareholders to ask questions using a dedicated email address and telephone conference number; 
  • In June, the Group took part in the inaugural BoursoLive, a completely online trade fair organised by Boursorama;
  • In September, in partnership with École de La Bourse (the Euronext training arm) and several issuers, the Group launched the MOOC “Invest in Stocks”. This fully online course helps future shareholders to develop an interest in and make sense of investing in companies and in the real economy, and to understand what investing in the stock market is all about;
  • In November, the Group participated in the third edition of the Investir Day shareholders fair, which took place in both remote and physical formats at the Palais Brongniart; and
  • All multi-annual meetings of the Individual Shareholder Consultation Committee held during the first half of the year took place remotely, after which they were held in person.
Customers (distributors) Customers (distributors)CURRENT RELATIONSHIPS

As it does with its suppliers, L’Oréal builds close relationships with its distributors by involving them in the preparation of joint sustainable development projects.

Customers (distributors)SOME INITIATIVES IN 2021

L’Oréal develops Green Joint Business plans with its main customers. This year, for example, Germany was the pilot country for the roll-out of collaborative projects with seven of its distributors, with a focus on the development of sustainable beauty commitment campaigns for consumers and on reducing the impact of the Group’s business activities in its value chain.

Employee commitment Employee commitmentCURRENT RELATIONSHIPS

Once a year, all L’Oréal’s employees are invited to spend a day on volunteering actions for associations, on public utility projects and supporting the surrounding communities, while continuing to receive their salary.

Employee commitmentSOME INITIATIVES IN 2021

In 2021, 16,411 employees across 52 countries participated in Citizen Day to help over 400 organisations via 650 solidarity missions. In most cases, it was possible to host the event in person; however, hybrid and remote formats were also organised to comply with health measures implemented in some countries.

(1) Annual review of the supplier’s business activity, its performance over the past year and its objectives for the following year.