4. L’Oréal’s social, environmental and societal responsibility Sustainable development at the heart of the Group’s strategy and ambitions An ambitious EHS policy shared by all

A pioneering, socially responsible company, L’Oréal applies an ambitious policy with regard to the Environment (E), Health (H) and Safety (S) to minimise its environmental impact and guarantee the health and safety of employees(1), customers and the communities in which the Group carries out its business activities.

This has been reflected, for many years, in the desire to systematically control the risks related to the safety of people and the environment that are inherent in the Group’s business activities. Any establishment or renovation of a site, any launch of new equipment or production processes, and any changes in industrial processes give rise to a risk assessment and action plans that make it possible to reduce their potential impact.

This commitment has led to the deployment of the Group’s EHS policy over the entire spectrum of its business activities, but also beyond it. Indeed, the Group strives to ensure the regulatory compliance of its activities, compliance with its own standards on its sites (industrial or administrative sites, research centres, stores), and makes sure that its subcontractors and suppliers ensure the safety of people and the environment through a specifically dedicated audit programme.

(1) The Health and Safety policy addressing the health and safety risk of employees (see section 4.2.2. “Main risks for corporate social responsibility, Human Rights and corruption” of this document) is presented and described in the Human Resources policy (section 4.3.2. “Human Resources policy” of this document).