4. L’Oréal’s social, environmental and societal responsibility

This EHS policy is accompanied by monthly reporting of detailed indicators used to monitor evolutions in results in each of these areas and to identify anomalies and incidents.

The EHS manual is rolled out at all industrial sites, research centres and administrative sites, free-standing stores, and point of sales.

Training in EHS policy and practices

Training sessions dedicated to L’Oréal’s EHS policy and practices have been provided at all levels of the Company. They constitute one of the cornerstones of implementing risks identification and management systems, and deploying the EHS culture in all Group entities, with the following main objectives:

  • defining and sharing the EHS vision, challenges and values across the Group;
  • enabling managers to implement the EHS policy effectively within their entities;
  • identifying the EHS risks inherent in a role, task, behaviour or the use of equipment and adopting appropriate preventive and corrective measures; and
  • enabling managers to identify, in their activities, the actions that could help to improve the EHS performance of their site.
EHS Excellence Guaranteeing a high level of expertise for EHS managers in the Group EHS teams 73 people trained worldwide
Leadership & Safety culture Training managers in the EHS culture of their unit Top managers 83 people trained worldwide
Mastering DOP role Operations Directors (DOP) 13 people trained worldwide
EHS Operations & Labs Managers and operational supervisors 46 people trained worldwide
EHS for stores Managers of free-standing stores 38 people trained worldwide
Ergonomic Attitude programme Training in health and safety issues specific to Operations sites Experts, managers and employees 18 experts and 848 employees trained (managers, technicians, etc.) 11 EHS people trained as trainers

Since 2020, in the context of the Covid-19 health crisis, work was done to restructure the different EHS training courses to make them compatible with remote learning. In addition, webinars were rolled out to animate the different EHS programmes, and, in particular, Green steps for all increased awareness of the challenges related to climate, water, biodiversity and resources for 12,419 Operations employees in 2021.

In addition to these specialised training sessions, every new L’Oréal employees receive general and specific training at their workstation, including the Group’s EHS rules before taking up their position.

A worldwide audit programme

In order to ensure compliance with the Group’s EHS policy, a system of worldwide audits has been set up since 1996, and was reinforced in 2001 with the presence of external auditors, who are experts in local contexts and regulations. These audits take place regularly at all L’Oréal sites: every three years for production sites and every four years for distribution centres, administrative sites and research centres. A follow-up visit is scheduled for the following year for the sites where it is necessary.

Two types of audits known as “risks” or “culture” are performed depending on the maturity and type of activity at the sites.

The risks audits primarily assess:

  • compliance of practices and facilities with the significant requirements of local regulations and Group procedure sand rules;
  • controls of risks to health, safety and the environment generated by technical equipment, processes and operating modes implemented and used by employees; and
  • progress in environmental, health and safety performances.

These audits are carried out by external, independent experts.

The results of these audits give the Group’s General Management objective knowledge of the risks in the areas of EHS on L’Oréal sites and provide the assurance that they are under control.

In the same way, within the framework of the culture audits, the leadership of site management, all operational managers, and the deployment level of the EHS culture with all employees are evaluated.

These audits are carried out by internal EHS specialists through interviews with at least 20% to 30% of the site’s workforce.

The results of these audits provide information on the level of knowledge of EHS management tools and the maturity of audited sites with regard to the safety and environment culture at all structural levels.

Depending on the case, EHS audits are exclusively risks or culture audits, audits that combine risks and culture, or even audits that combine risks, culture, quality and performance.

Because of the Covid-19 health crisis, specific new audits were rolled out since 2020 to evaluate the level of prevention necessary to avoid the spread of Covid-19. After an initial audit, a follow‑up audit is conducted after one month, and then audits are performed every four to five months based on the results. Most of these audits are conducted remotely.