4. L’Oréal’s social, environmental and societal responsibility


These projects cover a wide range of purchases, including cardboard, glass and plastic packaging, POS advertising materials and services, filling and packing and logistics:

  • 21.4% of the beneficiaries are people with disabilities (586 jobs);
  • more than half of the beneficiaries are in zones classified as vulnerable (1,388 jobs). These are areas classified as “Rural Revitalisation Zones” and “Sensitive Urban Zones”. These jobs, located on the sites of 19 Group suppliers, cover production needs (glass bottles, tubes, cardboard boxes, subcontracting) or services related to our business;
  • other solidary purchase projects in France mainly concern support for Living Heritage Enterprises (EPV), SMEs, older workers facing hiring discrimination, women entrepreneurs, women who are victims of domestic violence, people being integrated into society, and a bio-solidarity cooperative.
Employees mobilised: Citizen Day

Every year since 2010, L’Oréal’s employees spend a day of their working time offering their skills and devoting their energy to several hundred associations in the social and environmental field. This involves, for example, cleaning natural sites, setting up well-being workshops for people invulnerable situations, repainting centres for seniors or people facing hardships, helping job-seekers prepare their CVs, etc.

L’Oréal continued to innovate in its citizen commitment and developed the L’Oréal Citizen programme(1), offering employees the possibility of contributing to different causes through several solidarity formats: salary rounding, solidarity hackathons, crowdfunding campaigns, etc.

Beauty for a Better Life: a L’Oréal Foundation programme

Convinced that beauty contributes to the process of rebuilding oneself, the L’Oréal Foundation, through its Beauty For a Better Life programme, assists fragile people in improving their self-esteem by giving them access to free beauty and well-being care. It also promotes employment for vulnerable women through excellence training programmes in the beauty professions.

Beauty, care and well-being treatments

The L’Oréal Foundation supports and funds the provision of free beauty care and well-being treatments in medical and social environments through the partnerships it has built with non-profit and hospital organisations.  These treatments are provided by specially trained socio-beauticians or socio-hairdressers. They play a role in improving well-being, self-esteem, fighting spirit and social cohesion. They offer essential moments, whether for patients whose bodies are ravaged by illness or for people in fragile social situations.

In 2021, the L’Oréal Foundation made it possible for more than 21,000 people in difficult circumstances to receive beauty care and wellbeing treatments in France.

In particular, a special operation was set up to offer socio-beauty and socio-hairdressing services to nearly 1,000 women and students in financial difficulties and refugees, whose vulnerabilities were worsened by the economic and social consequences of the Covid-19 health crisis.

By increasing access to these treatments, the L’Oréal Foundation is also encouraging social innovation: following the mobile treatment room initiative launched in 2019 that enabled 850 women in rural areas and priority neighbourhoods to benefit from socio-beauty care, a beauty and well-being space was designed in 2021 in partnership with Emmaüs Solidarité. This space is specifically dedicated to vulnerable people to give them no-cost access to socio-beauty and socio-hairdressing services within a welcoming space.

Training in the beauty professions 

In partnership with local NGOs in nearly 30 countries, the L’Oréal Foundation offers free training in beauty professions (hairdressing and makeup) to women in very difficult social or economic situations to assist them in finding employment. Thus, at year-end 2021, 5,991 people in very difficult social or economic situations were trained in beauty professions, representing a total of 20,606 people over the last four years.


  At the end of 2021, as part of the "Beauty for a Better Life" programme, 5,991 people from extremely vulnerable environments were trained in beauty professions.
A L’Oréal Foundation partnership with Médecins du Monde to put a smile on children’s faces The L’Oréal Foundation also supports the Médecins du Monde (Doctors of the World) association’s facial reconstructive surgery operations (“Opération Sourire” – Operation Smile) for children who suffer from congenital malformations and women who have been victims of physical violence. The Foundation allows these people to regain their integrity and return to their community.

(1) The citizen commitments are detailed on the website: www.loreal.com/en/articles/commitments/loreal-citizen/.