4. L’Oréal’s social, environmental and societal responsibility

Sections or pages Non-financial information statement – Articles L. 225-102-1, L. 22-10-36 and R. 225-105 of the French Commercial Code Global Compact COP and SDGs
  Fair practices #12 to 14
  • The actions taken to prevent corruption
#12 to 14
  • The measures taken in favour of consumer health and safety
#6 to 8, SDG 3
4.3.3. Other actions taken in favour of Human Rights #3 to 5 and #A to D and #I

4.6.2.  SASB cross-reference table

Theme Measurement Group information Code
Water management

(1) total water withdrawn

(2) total water consumption

percentage of each from regions with high or extremely high water stress

Total water drawn: 1,975,083 m3 – plants

% of water drawn from regions with high or extremely high water stress: 19%

Total water consumed: 1,089,660m3

% of water drawn from regions with high or extremely high water stress: 19%

Description of risks associated with water management and discussion of strategies and practices aimed at reducing these risks

L’Oréal has set itself a major objective of fighting climate change and preserving natural resources in the overall exercise of its activity. The Group wants to preserve the water resource throughout its value chain, on its operated sites, but by also engaging its ecosystem in its commitments.

See the following sections: 3.5. Risk factors and risk management. Eco-designed products.

Product performance in terms of the environment, health and safety

Sales from products containing REACH substances of very high concern (SVHC)

L’Oréal has developed a detailed analysis of health and safety risks. It should be noted that the same safety standards are applied worldwide to ensure identical quality across the globe.


See the following sections: Product quality and safety: a priority in Involving consumers in the Group’s transformation. Preserving employee health and safety. 1.5. Internal control and risk management system. 

Sales from products containing substances included on the California DTSC Candidate
Chemicals List
Discussion on the process for identifying and managing emerging materials and chemicals of concern CG-HP-250a.3
Sales from products designed according to the principles of green chemistry

96% of the Group’s products are eco-designed and respect the principles of green chemistry.

See the following section: Eco-designed products

Management of the packaging life cycle

(1) Total weight of packaging

(2) percentage of packaging composed of recycled and/or renewable materials and

(3) percentage of recyclable, reusable and/or compostable packaging

Management of the packaging life cycle is a central component of the Group’s environmental policy. In 2021, the figures were as follows:

1) The total weight of plastic packaging was 159,351 tonnes.

2) 21% of the plastic packaging materials are from recycled or biobased sources.

3) 39% of the plastic packaging is refillable, recyclable, reusable and/or compostable.

Discussion on strategies for reducing the environmental impact of packaging during its life cycle

In order to reach the best understanding of the environmental impact of the packaging, L’Oréal has used the SPOT tool since 2017, which calculates the complete environmental and social footprint of a product in accordance with the European Commission recommendation (Product Environmental Footprint).

See the following sections: Sustainability: from product design to end consumer. 3.5. Risk factors and risk management.

Environmental and social impact of the palm oil supply chain Quantity of palm oil and derivatives percentage certified by the supply chains of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) as (a) Identity Preserved, (b) Segregated, (c) Mass Balance, or (d) Book & Claim

In 2021, L’Oréal consumed 310 tonnes of palm oil. 100% of the palm oil supplies have been certified sustainable by the Round Table on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) since 2010, and the supply of palm oil or palm kernel derivatives since 2012

Segregated: 100%, 98.2% of which are also Palm Oil Innovation Group (POIG) verified. The Group has reached 98.4% of RSPO Mass Balance.

1.6% is covered by Book & Claim.

Measurement of activity Unit of products sold, total weight of products sold The Group does not report on this indicator. CG-HP-000.A
Number of factories L’Oréal has 39 factories around the world. CG-HP-000.B