4. L’Oréal’s social, environmental and societal responsibility

4.6.3. GRI Standards Content Index

This report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: Core Option. Material issues have been mapped with the relevant GRI Standards disclosure. Content relating to the indicator list below is available within the table or at the location provided.

Theme Standard number Disclosure title Additional information Level of compliance Location of information
General Disclosures General DisclosuresStandard number2-1 General DisclosuresDisclosure titleOrganisation details General DisclosuresAdditional information


General DisclosuresLevel of complianceFully compliant General DisclosuresLocation of information1.1. - 1.2. - 7.1. - 7.3.
Theme2-2 Standard numberEntities included in the organisation's sustainability reporting Disclosure title


Additional informationFully compliant Level of compliance1.4.1. - 1.4.2.
Theme2-3 Standard numberReporting period, frequency and contact point Disclosure title


Additional informationFully compliant Level of compliance1. - 4.5.
Theme2-4 Standard numberRestatements of information Disclosure title


Additional informationFully compliant Level of compliance4.5.
Theme2-5 Standard numberExternal assurance Disclosure title


Additional informationFully compliant Level of compliance2.3.
Theme2-6 Standard numberActivities, value chain and other business relationship Disclosure title


Additional informationFully compliant Level of compliance1.2. - -1.2.7
Theme2-7 Standard numberEmployees Disclosure title


Additional informationFully compliant Level of compliance4.3.2.
Theme2-8 Standard numberWorkers who are not employees Disclosure title


Additional informationFully compliant Level of compliance4.3.2.
Theme2-9 Standard numberGovernance structure and composition Disclosure title


Additional informationFully compliant Level of compliance1.1.5 - 2.2. - 2.3.
Theme2-10 Standard numberNomination and selection of the highest governance body Disclosure title


Additional informationFully compliant Level of compliance

2.1 - 2.2.3 - 2.3.5.


Theme2-11 Standard numberChair of the highest governance body Disclosure title


Additional informationFully compliant Level of compliance1.1.5 - 2.2.
Theme2-12 Standard numberRole of the highest governance body Disclosure title


Additional informationFully compliant Level of compliance2.3.3. - 4.1
Theme2-13 Standard numberDelegation of responsability Disclosure title


Additional informationFully compliant Level of compliance

3.4.6. - 4.3.3. - 4.3.4.


Theme2-14 Standard numberRole of the highest governance body in sustainability reporting Disclosure title


Additional informationFully compliant Level of compliance2.3.2 - 2.3.3. - 4.1
Theme2-15 Standard numberConflict of interest Disclosure title


Additional informationFully compliant Level of compliance

2.1.3 - 2.3.4 - 2.3.5

Theme2-16 Standard numberCommunication of critical concerns Disclosure title


Additional informationFully compliant Level of compliance4.1.2. - 3.5.
Theme2-17 Standard numberCollective knowledge of the highest governance body Disclosure title


Additional informationFully compliant Level of compliance1.2.3. - 1.2.4.
Theme2-18 Standard numberEvaluation of the performance of the highest governance body Disclosure title


Additional informationFully compliant Level of compliance2.3.4
Theme2-19 Standard numberRemuneration policy Disclosure title


Additional informationFully compliant Level of compliance2.4
Theme2-20 Standard numberProcess to determine remuneration Disclosure title


Additional informationFully compliant Level of compliance2.4
Theme2-21 Standard numberAnnual compensation ratio Disclosure title


Additional informationFully compliant Level of compliance



Theme2-22 Standard numberStatement on sustainable development strategy Disclosure title


Additional informationFully compliant Level of compliance4.1 - 4.3.1
Theme2-23 Standard numberPolicy commitments Disclosure title


Additional informationFully compliant Level of compliance4.1.2.
Theme2-24 Standard numberEmbedding policy commitments Disclosure title


Additional informationFully compliant Level of compliance4.3
Theme2-25 Standard numberProcess to remediate negative impacts Disclosure title


Additional informationFully compliant Level of compliance3.5 - 3.5.2 - 4.1.2.
Theme2-26 Standard numberMechanism for seeking advice and raising concerns Disclosure title


Additional informationFully compliant Level of compliance


3.4.6. - 4.3.3. - 4.3.4.