4. L’Oréal’s social, environmental and societal responsibility

4.7.2. Reasonable assurance report of the Statutory Auditors on a selection of consolidated non-financial information published in the Group Management Report

(For the year ended December 31, 2021)

This is a free translation into English of the Statutory Auditors’ report issued in French and is provided solely for the convenience of English-speaking readers. This report should be read in conjunction with, and construed in accordance with, French law and professional standards applicable in France.


14, rue Royale

75008 Paris

In our capacity as Statutory Auditors of L’Oréal, (the “Company”) and at the Company’s request, we have carried out verification procedures with the aim of expressing reasonable assurance on a selection of non-financial information (the “Selected information”) for the year ended December 31, 2021 published in the L’Oréal Group management report.


Based on the work we performed, as described in the section « Nature and scope of procedures », and the elements we collected, the consolidated non-financial information selected by L’Oréal, presented hereafter and published in its management report, has been presented, in all material aspects, in accordance with the Guidelines.

Selected information

The information selected by L’Oréal is as follows:

  • Human resources information:
    • total workforce, breakdown of headcount by geographic zone;
    • percentage of brands managed by women, number of entities that have been awarded the European labels “Gender Equality European & International Standard
  • Social information:
    • number of social audits carried out during the year and breakdown of non-compliance by subject audited.
  • Environmental, health and safety information of industrial sites:
    • units of finished goods produced;
    • direct and indirect CO2 emissions using the “market-based” method, percentage of carbon neutral sites, total energy consumption and by finished good, breakdown by energy source (electricity, gas, fuel, steam, other energies), percentage of renewable energy consumed, renewable electricity consumed, electricity autoconsumption rate, refrigerant gas leakages;
    • total net water consumption and by finished good (excluding recycled and rain water used for gardening), number of waterloop factories, volume of recyled water on site or coming from another L’Oréal’s site;
    • volume of wastewater concerned by the analysis, compliance with 1000 mg/l max. of COD, weight of COD and specific rate of pollution before off-site treatment / after on-site treatment;
    • transportable waste excluding returnable packaging in rotation, with returnable packaging accounted at source, sludge, total wast excluding sludge, returnable packaging in rotation, treatment of transportable waste linked to activity, regulated waste, waste to landfill, of which for local regulatory constraints, recovery and material recovery rates;
    • date of biodiversity inventory, use of phytosanitary products;
    • conventional frequency rates, enlarged frequency rates, and severity rates for work accidents.
Responsibility of the Company

This under the responsibility of the Board of Directors:

  • to select or establish appropriate criteria for the preparation of the Selected Information (hereinafter the “Guidelines”), the significant elements of which appear in the management report and which are available on request from the Operations, Human Relations, Purchasing, and Environmental and Social Responsibility Departments;
  • as well as to put in place the internal control that it deems necessary for the establishment of the Selected information that does not contain any significant anomalies, whether these result from fraud or result from errors.

The Information selected was established by applying the entity's Guidelines as mentioned above.