5. 2021 Consolidated financial statements

NOTE 7. Intangible assets

7.1. Goodwill
Accounting principles

Business combinations are accounted for by the purchase method. The assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities of the Company acquired are measured at fair value at the acquisition date. Any valuation differences identified when the acquisition is carried out are recorded under the corresponding asset and liability items.

Any residual difference between the cost of an acquisition and the Group’s interest in the fair value of the identified assets and liabilities is recorded as Goodwill and allocated to the Cash Generating Units expected to benefit from the acquisition or the related synergies.

Goodwill generated on the acquisition of an associate is presented in the Investments in associates item.

For business combinations carried out after 1 January 2010, the main changes with regard to previously applicable accounting principles are set out below:

  • for each acquisition, the Group chooses whether to recognize the full amount of goodwill regardless of the ownership interest acquired, or an amount of goodwill corresponding to its interest in the acquired company (previously the only method allowed);
  • deferred tax assets recognized after the initial accounting is complete are included in profit or loss, and in contrast to previous practices, the amount of goodwill that would have been recorded had the deferred tax asset been recognized as an identifiable asset at the acquisition date is not deducted;
  • costs incurred in respect of a business combination are now expensed and no longer included in the acquisition cost;
  • the acquisition cost, which includes contingent consideration, is recognized and measured at its acquisition-date fair value. Subsequent changes in fair value, affecting in particular the contingent consideration recorded in liabilities, are recognized in Other income and expenses in the income statement and no longer treated as an adjustment to goodwill;
  • any previous interest held in the acquired prior to the date control was obtained is now remeasured at its acquisition-date fair value, with the corresponding gain or loss on remeasurement recognised on the income statement;
  • purchase commitments for minority interests are recognised in financial debt at the acquisition-date fair value. Subsequent changes in fair value of the commitment are recognized by adjusting equity.