1. Presentation of the Group integrated report

Product quality and safety: a priority

Offering consumers the highest quality product is an absolute priority. Over several decades, the Group has set up a single product quality and safety management programme that applies to all its plants and subsidiaries around the world. In 2021, 97% of L’Oréal plants were ISO 9001 (Quality Management) certified and 100% were ISO 22716 (Best cosmetics manufacturing practices) compliant.

This unique quality management system guarantees manufacturing excellence and the quality of products with the same high standards applicable everywhere in the world. It includes efficient production methods and stringent control standards: around 100 quality controls are carried out on a single product during the production cycle, from the input of raw materials and packaging to when products leave the plant and heads towards customers and consumers.

The ongoing quality improvement process has been effective as seen in the low rate of consumer complaints in 2021: 39 complaints per million products sold.

L’Oréal selects suppliers according to strict standards and criteria

in respect of quality, safety, and social and environmental responsibility, applied worldwide and compliant with its responsible purchasing policy

L’Oréal offers consumers effective and high-quality products

by respecting the most stringent regulations and though its continuous improvement approach, which is central to its quality policy

~100 quality controls

For each cosmetic product

Products meet the same standards of excellence and quality all over the world

Identical processes are followed in the 39 plants, from the reception of raw materials, through the manufacturing of formulas and the packaging of finished products, until products are placed on the market

Plants certified to the highest level


of the Group’s plants are ISO 22716* compliant


of the Group’s plants are ISO 9001** compliant

* Best practices in cosmetics manufacturing
** Quality management