5. 2021 Consolidated financial statements

12.1. Provisions for liabilities and charges

Accounting principles

Provisions for liabilities and charges are set up to cover probable outflows for the benefit of third parties without any equivalent consideration being received by the Group in return. They mainly relate to restructuring costs, industrial, environmental and commercial risks relating to operations such as breach of contract, product returns, and employee-related risks.

These provisions are estimated on the basis of the most likely assumptions or by using statistical methods, depending on the nature of the risks.

Provisions for liabilities and charges are recorded either as Non-current liabilities or as Current liabilities, depending on their type. Provisions for liabilities or disputes which must be settled within 12 months of the closing date, and those linked to the normal operating cycle (such as product returns), are recorded as Current liabilities. Other provisions for liabilities and charges are recorded as Non-current liabilities.

12.1.1. Closing balances
€ millions 31.12.2021 31.12.2020 31.12.2019
Provisions for liabilities and charges 63.8 56.8 56.9
Non-current provisions (1) 63.8 56.8 56.9
Current provisions for liabilities and charges 1,223.3 1,224.7 1,117.8
Provisions for restructuring 182.5 235.1 112.9
Provisions for product returns 405.9 352.4 351.1
Other current provisions (1) 634.9 637.3 653.7
TOTAL 1,287.1 1,281.6


(1) This item notably includes provisions for tax risks and litigation excluding corporate income tax, industrial, environmental and commercial risks relating to operations (breach of contract), personnel costs, investments accounted for under the equity method when the Group’s share in the net asset is negative, as well as risks relating to investigations carried out by competition authorities (note 12.2.2.a and b).

12.1.2. Changes in provisions for liabilities and charges during the period

The change in this caption in 2021 can be analysed as follows:


€ millions 31.12.2019 31.12.2020 Charges (2) Reversals
(not used)(2)
Other (1) 31.12.2021
Provisions for restructuring 113.0 235.1 130.5 -145.2 -45.4 7.5 182.5
Provisions for product returns 351.0 352.4 422.9 -305.4 -84.5 20.4 405.9
Other provisions for liabilities and charges 710.7 694.1 216.2 -97.7 -117.7 3.8 698.7
TOTAL 1,174.7 1,281.6 769.6 -548.3 -247.6 31.7 1,287.1

(1) Mainly resulting from translation differences.
(2) These figures can be analysed as follows:

€ millions Charges Reversals (used) Reversals (not used)
Operating profit 639.1 -417.1 -155.8
Other income and expenses 130.5 -131.2 -91.8
Net financial income - - -