7.1. Information relating to the Company

7. Stock market information share capital

7.1. Information relating to the Company

L’Oréal is a French société anonyme (limited company) listed in Paris.

This chapter sets out the information relating to its share capital and the main details of its legal form and its Articles of Association.

All the information on the L'Oréal share and L'Oréal share market are also included in this chapter.

7.1.1. Legal form

L’Oréal is incorporated in France as a société anonyme (limited company).

7.1.2. Law governing the issuer

French law.

7.1.3. Business activity

L’Oréal S.A. is a French company, with its head office in France. It performs a domestic sales activity in France and an export sales activity in its operating territory. At the same time, L’Oréal S.A. also acts as the holding company and provides on the one hand strategic coordination, and scientific and technical coordination for the L’Oréal Group throughout the world on the other hand.

The subsidiaries operate the Group’s business activities in the country or region in which they are located. To do so, they define the development strategy specific to their market, make the most suitable choices in terms of consumer targets and distribution channels, and manufacture, directly or indirectly, and market the brands they decide to sell on their market.

Almost all of the subsidiaries are owned by L’Oréal S.A., which has a holding or control percentage equal or close to 100%. The detailed list of these subsidiaries is set out in the notes to the consolidated and parent company financial statements.

7.1.4. Date of incorporation and term of the Company (Article 5 of the Articles of Association)

“The Company’s term shall be ninety-nine years, which began to run on January 1st 1963 and which shall thus expire on December 31st 2061, except in the event of early dissolution or of extension, as provided for in these Articles of Association.”

7.1.5. Corporate purpose (excerpts from Article 2 of the Articles of Association)

The Company’s corporate purpose, both in France and/or at any other location anywhere throughout the entire world, shall be as follows:

  • the manufacturing and the sale of cosmetic products in general; of all devices intended for the same uses as the products listed above; of all household maintenance products; of all products and articles relating to feminine and/or child hygiene and to the embellishment of human beings; the demonstration and advertising of such products; the manufacturing of packaging articles;
  • the filing and the acquisition of all patents, licences, processes and manufacturing trademarks, their exploitation, assignment and/or contribution;
  • all diversification transactions and all commercial, industrial, financial, movable property and/or real property transactions, made in the Company’s interest, under any form whatsoever;
  • the direct or indirect involvement in all transactions such as those listed above, in particular by means of the creation of companies, the contribution to pre-existing companies, merger or alliance with such companies.

7.1.6. Company Registration

Paris Trade and Companies Registry no. 632 012 100.

LEI (Legal Entity Identifier) Code: 529900JI1GG6F7RKVI53.

7.1.7. Consultation of documents relating to the Company

The Articles of Association, financial statements, reports and information for shareholders can be consulted, in the conditions provided for by law, at 41, rue Martre, 92117 Clichy Cedex, France, preferably by appointment. See also the www.loreal-finance.com website, the information of which is not an integral part of this document.

7.1.8. General Management (Article 11 of the Articles of Association)

  1. “In accordance with legal provisions, the General Management of the Company is assumed, under its responsibility, either by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, or by another natural person appointed by the Board of Directors and bearing the title of Chief Executive Officer.
    The choice between these two modes of exercising General Management is made by the Board of Directors each time a Chairman of the Board of Directors or a Chief Executive Officer is appointed or has his tenure renewed. The Board of Directors must inform shareholders and third parties of this choice in accordance with the statutory provisions.
    The choice of the Board of Directors concerning the mode of exercise of the General Management is made on the basis of a majority vote of the Directors present or represented. Changing the mode of exercise of the General Management does not involve a modification of the Articles of Association.
  2. Depending on the choice made by the Board of Directors in accordance with the provisions of section 1 above, the General Management is carried out either by the Chairman, or by a natural person, appointed by the Board of Directors and bearing the title of Chief Executive Officer (1).
  3. The Chief Executive Officer is granted the most extensive powers to act in all circumstances on behalf of the Company. He exercises these powers within the limitations of the object of the Company, and subject to the powers expressly granted by law to Shareholders’ Meetings.
    The Chief Executive Officer represents the Company in its relations with third parties. The Company is bound even by actions of the Chief Executive Officer which are outside the object of the Company, unless the Company can prove that the third party was aware that the action was outside the object of the Company, or that the third party could not be unaware of this in view of the circumstances, it being stated however that the mere publication of the Articles of Association does not constitute such proof.
  4. On the proposal of the Chief Executive Officer, whether this office is assumed by the Chairman of the Board of Directors or by another person, the Board of Directors may appoint one or more natural persons in charge of assisting the Chief Executive Officer, with the title of Deputy Chief Executive Officer.
    In agreement with the Chief Executive Officer, the Board of Directors determines the extent and duration of the powers granted to the Deputy Chief Executive Officers.” ”