7. Stock market information share capital 20-year evolution of a portfolio of approximately €15,000 invested in L’Oréal shares with reinvestment of dividends and share attribution rights
Date of transaction Nature of transaction Investment (€) Income (€) Number of shares after the transaction
31.12.2001 Purchase of 185 shares at €80.90 14,966.50   185
04.06.2002 Dividend: €0.54 per share   99.90 185
  Reinvestment: purchase of 2 shares at €74.95 149.90   187
27.05.2003 Dividend: €0.64 per share   119.68 187
  Reinvestment: purchase of 2 shares at €61.10 122.20   189
14.05.2004 Dividend: €0.73 per share   137.97 189
  Reinvestment: purchase of 3 shares at €63.65 190.95   192
11.05.2005 Dividend: €0.82 per share   157.44 192
  Reinvestment: purchase of 3 shares at €56.50 169.50   195
10.05.2006 Dividend: €1.00 per share   195.00 195
  Reinvestment: purchase of 3 shares at €72.65 217.95   198
03.05.2007 Dividend: €1.18 per share   233.64 198
  Reinvestment: purchase of 3 shares at €86.67 260.01   201
30.04.2008 Dividend: €1.38 per share   277.38 201
  Reinvestment: purchase of 4 shares at €76.21 304.84   205
24.04.2009 Dividend: €1.44 per share   295.20 205
  Reinvestment: purchase of 6 shares at €52.02 312.09   211
05.05.2010 Dividend: €1.50 per share   316.50 211
  Reinvestment: purchase of 4 shares at €76.77 383.85   216
04.05.2011 Dividend: €1.80 per share   388.80 216
  Reinvestment: purchase of 5 shares at €85.79 428.95   221
03.05.2012 Dividend: €2.00 per share   442.00 221
  Reinvestment: purchase of 5 shares at €92.84 464.20   226
10.05.2013 Dividend: €2.30 per share   519.80 226
  Reinvestment: purchase of 4 shares at €134.05 536.20   230
05.05.2014 Dividend: €2.50 per share   575.00 230
  Reinvestment: purchase of 5 shares at €123.90 619.50   235
07.05.2015 Dividend: €2.70 per share   634.50 235
  Reinvestment: purchase of 4 shares at €168.60 674.40   239
03.05.2016 Dividend: €3.10 per share   740.90 239
  Reinvestment: purchase of 5 shares at €157.80 789.00   244
03.05.2017 Dividend: €3.30 per share   805.20 244
  Reinvestment: purchase of 5 shares at €184.55 922.75   249
27.04.2018 Dividend: €3.55 per share   883.95 249
  Reinvestment: purchase of 5 shares at €196.90 984.50   254
30.04.2019 Dividend: €3.85 per share   977.90 254
  Reinvestment: purchase of 4 shares at €245.10 980.40   258
07.07.2020 Dividend: €3.85 per share   993.30 258
  Reinvestment: purchase of 4 shares at €288.30 1,153.20   262
29.04.2021 Dividend: €4.00 per share   1,048.00 262
  Reinvestment: purchase of 4 shares at €343.10 1,372.40   266
TOTAL   26,003.29 9,842.06  
TOTAL NET INVESTMENT   16,161.22    

Portfolio value at 31 December 2021 (266 shares at €416.95, price at 31 December 2021): €110,908.70.

The initial capital has thus been multiplied by 7.4 over 20 years (20-year inflation rate = 27.4% – Source: INSEE) and the final capital is 6.9 times the total net investment.

The Total Shareholder Return of the investment is thus 10.4% per year (assuming that the shares are sold on 31 December 2021,excluding tax on capital gains).

NOTE: Any income tax that may be paid by the investor as a result of the successive dividend payments is not taken into account. Dividends

The limitation period for dividends is five years. Any dividends for which payment has not been requested are paid to the French Deposits and Consignments Fund (La Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations).