7.6. Information policy

7. Stock market information share capital

7.6. Information policy


L’Oréal is committed to improving the quality of its financial information and takes steps to ensure it maintains a regular dialogue with its shareholders and with French and international investors. Beyond its legal obligations, it has a whole range of information and communication tools: printed and digital media on the L’Oréal Finance website, shareholder events and meetings either organised physically or virtually, investor conferences and roadshows, which are made available to all stakeholders to give them a better understanding of L’Oréal’s business model and the potential of the beauty market.

7.6.1. Additional communication tools

Keen on transparency and accessibility of information, in 2021,in the context of the ongoing Covid-19 health crisis, L’Oréal’s Financial Communication Department shared a wealth of complete financial and non-financial information with the entire financial community via communication tools, with a high emphasis on digital:

  • L’Oréal makes two exhaustive and complementary annual publications available: the Annual Report and the Universal Registration Document can be consulted and downloaded at www.loreal-finance.com.
  • The  website www.loreal-finance.com contains a complete set of all financial and non-financial information. Its content and ergonomics evolve regularly to provide quicker and easier access to information.
  • The L’Oréal Finance mobile app, available on the App Store and Google Play, makes it possible to keep L’Oréal Finance news close to hand. Downloaded more than 64,000 times since it was created, it is highly appreciated by professionals and individual shareholders.
  • The Letter to Shareholders and e-newsletters make it possible to keep shareholders and subscribers regularly informed of all major events in the life of the Group.
  • The shareholder brochure “Take part in the L’Oréal adventure” describes the Company’s business model and explains the advantages of registered shares to answer questions that shareholders may have about this shareholding method.
  • Testifying to the loyalty of the shareholders who support the Group’s development over the long term, more and more shareholders are showing an interest in becoming registered shareholders. Thanks to preferential dividends and the numerous advantages related to this method of shareholding, becoming a registered shareholder enables the Group’s shareholders to be known to the Group, to have systematic and regular access to information, and to be closely involved in the Company’s development.

7.6.2. A large number of shareholder events for regular and detailed dialogue

In 2021, in the context of the Covid-19 health crisis and to protect the health of all our stakeholders, shareholders and investors, as well as employees of L’Oréal, all events were organised and some were transformed to digital format to maintain the relationship and dialogue. Thus:

  • The Financial Communications Department and the Investor Relations Department organised a financial information meeting and telephone conferences intended for analysts and institutional investors, to which journalists specialising in the cosmetics sector were invited. The presentations of the Group’s financial results and the business activities of the Operational Divisions were broadcast live online on the financial website www.loreal-finance.com. All the information presented was made. All the information presented was made available on this site, on the day of its publication, when the annual and half-yearly results were published, as well as at investor conferences.
  • The Annual General Meeting was broadcast live, then on replay, in French and English, on the L’Oréal Finance website. For several years, shareholders have had the option to vote remotely via the Votaccess platform. This year, in order to respect shareholder democracy and encourage dialogue with shareholders, and in addition to the legal process for written questions, L’Oréal set up a dedicated email address to receive, in the days preceding the Annual General Meeting(1), all their questions to be made directly to Management. Shareholders also had the opportunity to ask questions by telephone via a dedicated number during the Annual General Meeting. This broadcast was viewed by around 3,000 shareholders.
  • L’Oréal participated as a preferred partner at Boursorama’s first digital e-show, Bourso’Live, on 28, 29 and 30 June 2021. The L’Oréal virtual stand welcomed more than 800 visitors who were able to download documents and publications, and to interact with the Group’s Individual Shareholders department. Mr Christophe Babule, Chief Financial Officer of L’Oréal, presented the L’Oréal model during a web conference and answered questions from web users; the presentation was attended by many shareholders and recorded around 15,000 views.
  • L’Oréal participated in the hybrid 2021 edition of Investir Day, in digital from 15–22 November and in person at the Palais Brongniart in Paris on 23 November 2021. This edition was attended by nearly 15,000 participants, 3,000 of whom attended the Palais Brongniart. Mr Christophe Babule, Chief Financial Officer of L’Oréal, and Mr Laurent Gilbert, Director of Environmental Research and Sustainable Development, talked respectively about the Group’s strategy and the theme “L’Oréal: Green Sciences for sustainable innovation”.

(1) Within the framework of the Annual General Meeting held behind closed doors (for more information see section 7.1.11. “Annual General Meeting” of this document).