8. Annual general meeting

Nineteenth resolution: authorisation granted to the Board of Directors to carry out free grants of existing shares and/or shares to be issued, with cancellation of shareholders’ preferential subscription rights, to employees and corporate officers

The Annual General Meeting, voting in accordance with the quorum and majority required for Extraordinary General Meetings, having reviewed the Reports of the Board of Directors and the Statutory Auditors, and acting in accordance with Articles L. 225-197-1 et seq. of the French Commercial Code:

  1. authorises the Board of Directors to carry out, on one or several occasions, free grants of existing L'Oréal shares or L'Oréal shares to be issued in L’Oréal to employees and executive officers of the Company and of its French or foreign affiliates under the conditions of Article L. 225-197-2 of the French Commercial Code, or to certain categories of such affiliates;
  2. sets the validity period of this authorisation, which may be used on one or several occasions, at twenty-six months from the date of the Annual General Meeting, and notes that this authorisation renders ineffective the unused portion of any prior authorisation for the same purpose;
  3. decides that the number of free shares granted may not represent more than 0.6% of the share capital recorded on the date of the Board of Directors’ decision, it being specified that this maximum number of shares, existing or to be issued, does not include the number of additional shares that may be allocated as the result of an adjustment in the number of shares initially granted following a transaction on the Company’s share capital;
  4. decides that the amount of the increases in capital that may be carried out pursuant to this resolution will be charged against the total ceiling stipulated in the seventeenth resolution of the Annual General Meeting of 20 April 2021 or, as applicable, against the ceiling stipulated by a similar resolution that may potentially succeed this seventeenth resolution during the valid period of this delegation;
  5. decides that the number of free shares granted to the Company’s executive officers during a financial year under this resolution may not represent more than 10% of the total number of free shares granted during the same financial year;
  6. decides that the Board of Directors shall determine the identity of the beneficiaries of the allocations and the number of free shares granted to each one as well as the conditions to be met in order for the allocation to become binding, and notably the performance conditions, it being stated that the free grant of shares may be carried out without performance conditions as part of an allocation made (i) for the benefit of all employees and corporate officers of L’Oréal and, if applicable, of its French and foreign affiliates, or (ii) for the benefit of employees and corporate officers of foreign companies subscribing to a capital increase carried out pursuant to the twentieth and twenty-first resolutions put before this Annual General Meeting or taking part in an employee shareholder transaction through the disposal of existing shares, or (iii) for the benefit of employees that are not members of the Executive Committee for a maximum of 100 free shares allocated as part of each of the plans decided by the Board of Directors;
  7. decides (i) that the grant of such shares to their beneficiaries, for all or part of the shares granted, will become final and binding subject to satisfying the other conditions set at the time of the grant, at the end of a minimum vesting period of four years, and (ii) that the Board of Directors may set, and if applicable decide the duration of, a holding period for the vested shares;
  8. decides that the grant of these shares to their beneficiaries will become final and binding prior to the expiry of the above-mentioned vesting periods in the event of disability of the beneficiary corresponding to a classification in the second or third categories provided for in Article L. 341-4 of the French Social Security Code (Code de la sécurité sociale) and that such shares will be freely transferable in the event of disability of the beneficiary corresponding to a classification in the abovementioned categories under the French Social Security Code;
  9. authorises the Board of Directors to carry out, where applicable, during the vesting period, adjustments to the number of shares associated with any possible transactions on the Company’s share capital under the meaning of Article L. 225-181 of the French Commercial Code, so as to preserve the rights of the beneficiaries;
  10. duly notes that this authorisation automatically entails, for the benefit of the beneficiaries of the free shares, the waiver by shareholders of their preferential subscription rights and of the portion of the reserves, profits or share premiums which, where applicable, are necessary for the issue of new shares; and
  11. delegates full powers to the Board of Directors, with the ability to delegate within the legal limits, to implement this authorisation.