9. Appendices

Elements of the 2021 Management Report References Pages
Annual change in the remuneration, the Company’s performances, the average remuneration of the Company employees and the abovementioned ratios over the five past fiscal years

Annual change in the remuneration, the Company’s performances, the average remuneration of the Company employees and the abovementioned ratios over the five past fiscal years

ReferencesL. 22-10-9, I-7°

of the French Commercial Code

Annual change in the remuneration, the Company’s performances, the average remuneration of the Company employees and the abovementioned ratios over the five past fiscal years



Explanation on how the total remuneration complies with the remuneration policy adopted, including the way it contributes to long term performances of the Company and the way the performance criteria has been applied

Explanation on how the total remuneration complies with the remuneration policy adopted, including the way it contributes to long term performances of the Company and the way the performance criteria has been applied

ReferencesL. 22-10-9, I-8°

of the French Commercial Code

Explanation on how the total remuneration complies with the remuneration policy adopted, including the way it contributes to long term performances of the Company and the way the performance criteria has been applied


97-98, 111-117

The manner in which the vote of the last ordinary general meeting provided for by I of article L. 22-10-34 of the French Commercial Code has been taken into account

The manner in which the vote of the last ordinary general meeting provided for by I of article L. 22-10-34 of the French Commercial Code has been taken into account

ReferencesL. 22-10-9 I-9°

of the French Commercial Code

The manner in which the vote of the last ordinary general meeting provided for by I of article L. 22-10-34 of the French Commercial Code has been taken into account



Derogation from the remuneration policy and any other derogations

Derogation from the remuneration policy and any other derogations

ReferencesL. 22-10-9, I-10°

of the French Commercial Code

Derogation from the remuneration policy and any other derogations



Application of Article L. 225-45 al. 2 of the French Commercial Code (suspension of payment of directors' remuneration in the event of failure to comply with the Board of Directors' gender diversity)

Application of Article L. 225-45 al. 2 of the French Commercial Code (suspension of payment of directors' remuneration in the event of failure to comply with the Board of Directors' gender diversity)

ReferencesL. 22-10-9, I-11°

of the French Commercial Code

Application of Article L. 225-45 al. 2 of the French Commercial Code (suspension of payment of directors' remuneration in the event of failure to comply with the Board of Directors' gender diversity)



Attribution and retention of stock options by Directors and Corporate Officers

Attribution and retention of stock options by Directors and Corporate Officers


L. 225-185 of the French Commercial Code

Attribution and retention of stock options by Directors and Corporate Officers



Attribution and retention of free share grants to Corporate Officers

Attribution and retention of free share grants to Corporate Officers


L. 225-197-1 and

L. 22-10-59

of the French Commercial Code

Attribution and retention of free share grants to Corporate Officers



Information on governance Information on governanceReferences


Information on governancePages


List of all terms of office and functions held in any company by each Director and Corporate Officer during the fiscal year

List of all terms of office and functions held in any company by each Director and Corporate Officer during the fiscal year

ReferencesL. 225-37-4, 1°

of the French Commercial Code

List of all terms of office and functions held in any company by each Director and Corporate Officer during the fiscal year



Agreements between an Executive Officer or a major shareholder and a subsidiary

Agreements between an Executive Officer or a major shareholder and a subsidiary

ReferencesL. 225-37-4, 2°

of the French Commercial Code

Agreements between an Executive Officer or a major shareholder and a subsidiary



Table summarizing the authorisations in force granted by the Annual General Meeting

Table summarizing the authorisations in force granted by the Annual General Meeting

ReferencesL. 225-37-4, 3°

of the French Commercial Code

Table summarizing the authorisations in force granted by the Annual General Meeting



Procedures for exercising the General Management

Procedures for exercising the General Management

ReferencesL. 225-37-4, 4°

of the French Commercial Code

Procedures for exercising the General Management



Composition, preparation and modus operandi of the work of the Board of Directors

Composition, preparation and modus operandi of the work of the Board of Directors

ReferencesL. 22-10-10, 1°

of the French Commercial Code

Composition, preparation and modus operandi of the work of the Board of Directors


57, 75-80

Description of the diversity policy, objectives and results applied to Board members (including gender diversity)

Description of the diversity policy, objectives and results applied to Board members (including gender diversity)

ReferencesL. 22-10-10, 2°

of the French Commercial Code

Description of the diversity policy, objectives and results applied to Board members (including gender diversity)



Limits provided by the Board of Directors on Chief Executive Officer’s powers

Limits provided by the Board of Directors on Chief Executive Officer’s powers

ReferencesL. 22-10-10, 3°

of the French Commercial Code

Limits provided by the Board of Directors on Chief Executive Officer’s powers



Reference to of the AFEP-MEDEF Corporate Governance Code and application of the comply or explain principle

Reference to of the AFEP-MEDEF Corporate Governance Code and application of the comply or explain principle

ReferencesL. 22-10-10, 4°

of the French Commercial Code

Reference to of the AFEP-MEDEF Corporate Governance Code and application of the comply or explain principle


54, 127

Specific conditions related to shareholders’ attendance at the Annual General meeting

Specific conditions related to shareholders’ attendance at the Annual General meeting

ReferencesL. 22-10-10, 5°

of the French Commercial Code

Specific conditions related to shareholders’ attendance at the Annual General meeting



Description and implementation of the evaluation procedure of non-regulated agreements

Description and implementation of the evaluation procedure of non-regulated agreements

ReferencesL. 22-10-10, 6°

of the French Commercial Code

Description and implementation of the evaluation procedure of non-regulated agreements


78, 82, 94

Information that may have an impact in the event of a takeover bid or exchange offer

Shareholders' agreements relating to the securities comprising the Company's share capital

Information that may have an impact in the event of a takeover bid or exchange offer

Shareholders' agreements relating to the securities comprising the Company's share capital


L. 22-10-11 of the French Commercial Code

Information that may have an impact in the event of a takeover bid or exchange offer

Shareholders' agreements relating to the securities comprising the Company's share capital










Share ownership and capital Share ownership and capitalReferences


Share ownership and capitalPages


Structure and change in Company capital and threshold notifications

Structure and change in Company capital and threshold notifications


L. 233-13 of the French Commercial Code

Structure and change in Company capital and threshold notifications



Acquisition and disposal by the Company of treasury shares

Acquisition and disposal by the Company of treasury shares


L. 225-211 of the French Commercial Code

Acquisition and disposal by the Company of treasury shares



Employee share ownership

Employee share ownership


Article L. 225-102, paragraph 1 of the French Commercial Code

Employee share ownership



Possible adjustments for securities giving access to share capital in case of buybacks of shares or financial transactions

Possible adjustments for securities giving access to share capital in case of buybacks of shares or financial transactions


R. 228-90 and R. 228-91of the French Commercial Code

Possible adjustments for securities giving access to share capital in case of buybacks of shares or financial transactions



Information on trading by directors and corporate officers and related persons in shares of the Company

Information on trading by directors and corporate officers and related persons in shares of the Company


L. 621-18-2 of the French Monetary and Financial Code

Information on trading by directors and corporate officers and related persons in shares of the Company



Amount of dividends paid out in respect of the three previous fiscal years

Amount of dividends paid out in respect of the three previous fiscal years


243 bis of the French Tax Code

Amount of dividends paid out in respect of the three previous fiscal years


21, 393

Non-financial statement Non-financial statementReferences

L. 225-102-1, L.22-10-38, R. 225-105 of the French Commercial Code

Non-financial statementPages

See Cross-reference table, 267-269

Other information Other informationReferences


Other informationPages


Additional tax information

Additional tax information

References223 quater and 223 quinquies

of the French Tax Code

Additional tax information



Injunctions or financial penalties in respect of anti-competitive practices 

Injunctions or financial penalties in respect of




L. 464-2 of the French Commercial Code

Injunctions or financial penalties in respect of


