1. Presentation of the Group integrated report

Focus: sharing growth with employees

The L’Oréal Share & Care programme is a large-scale social programme initiated at the end of 2013. It consists of commitments revolving around four pillars that were updated in 2021 and implemented in all countries: social protection, healthcare, work/life balance and the working environment.


Providing employees and their families with financial support in the event of unexpected life events, by allocating appropriate assistance.


Providing employees and their relatives with access to a high-quality healthcare system as well as prevention measures, placing greater emphasis on mental and emotional health, in order to create a new global approach to “personal ecology”.

L'ORÈAL Share & Care

Enabling all employees to fully experience milestones in life such as maternity and paternity and demonstrating flexibility in working organisation for a better work/life balance.


Offering the best working environment there by enabling employees to work in a pleasant, appropriate and effective way, and, depending on their activity, to meet, share, learn, collaborate, create or concentrate.

The new sustainable development goal for 2030: L’Oréal for the Future

For many years, L’Oréal has shown a strong commitment to environmental, social and societal responsibility. L’Oréal placed sustainability at the heart of its strategy, with the launch in 2013 of the Sharing Beauty With All programme with 2020 targets focused on sustainable production, sustainable innovation, sustainable consumption and shared growth. By the end of 2020, the Group had reduced CO2 emissions from its plants and distribution centres by 81% compared to 2005, while production volumes increased by 29% over the same period. By the end of 2020, 72 industrial sites were carbon-neutral (using 100% renewable energy), including 19 plants.

The L’Oréal for the Future programme marks the launch of a new phase of L’Oréal’s sustainable development approach, with the intention of building on the Group’s earlier achievements to accelerate its transformation towards an increasingly sustainable business model. L’Oréal wants to engage its entire ecosystem and demonstrate that companies can be part of the solution to the environmental and societal challenges the world is facing. Today, their acceleration promotes a much more radical transformation. Since April 2019, seven groups of internal experts have coordinated independent studies and collaborated with outside partners and civil society to define the next steps in L’Oréal’s sustainable development transformation.

In June 2020, the Group announced its new sustainability programme, L’Oréal for the Future (see chapter 4 of this document), with a new set of ambitious objectives for 2030, based on three pillars:

  • transform L’Oréal activities to remain within the “planetary boundaries” defined by environmental science;
  • associate the Group’s ecosystem in its transformation for a more sustainable world; and
  • contribute to meeting the great environmental challenges by creating different funds to promote the regeneration of nature, the circular economy and women in vulnerable situations.

In order to reconcile its needs to preserve a planet with limited resources, L’Oréal has raised its goals and defined targets for improvement by 2030 that cover all its direct and indirect impacts, related for example to the activity of its suppliers or the use of its products by consumers.