1. Presentation of the Group integrated report


By 2030, 95% of our ingredients in formulas will be biobased, derived from abundant minerals or from circular processes▲.

Target 2030:  95% Target reached in 2021: 60%

By 2030, 100% of the plastic used in our packaging will be either from recycled or biobased sources (we will reach 50% by 2025)▲.

Target 2030:  100% Target achieved in 2021: 21% Target reached in 2020: 15%

By 2030, we will reduce by 20% in intensity the quantity of packaging used for our products, compared to 2019.

Target 2030: -20% Target achieved in 2021: -3% Target reached in 2020: -8%

By 2025, 100% of our plastic packaging will be refillable, reusable, recyclable or compostable.

Target 2030: 100% Target achieved in 2021: 39% Target reached in  2020: 40%

By 2025, 100% of our new displays will be ecodesigned, taking into account circular economy principles for end of life management.

Target 2030: 100% Target reached in  2021: 91%

By 2025, 100% of our new Free Standing Stores will be designed and built following our sustainability principles;

Target 2030: 100% Target reached in  2021: 32%

By 2030, 100% of the waste generated in our sites(5) will be recycled or reused.

Target 2030: 100% Target achieved in 2021: 59% Target reached in 2020: 58%

Empowering our ecosystem in our transformation

By 2030, 100% of our strategic suppliers’ employees will be paid at least a living wage covering their basic needs and those of their dependents, calculated in-line with best practices.

The Group will report on this indicator in 2022 as the methodology was defined in 2021.

By 2030, we will have helped 100,000 people from disadvantaged communities gain access to employment▲.

Target 2030 : 100,000 people  Target reached in 2021 : 13,946 people

By 2030, 3 million people will have benefited from our brands’ social engagement programmes.

Target 2030: 985,089 Target achieved in 2021: 3,000,000

By 2022, the Product Environmental and Social Labelling system will apply to all the Group’s rinse-off products(6).

Target 2022: 100% Target reached in 2021: 76%

By 2030, all Group products will be eco-designed▲.

Target  2030: 100% Target achieved in 2021: 96% Target reached in 2020: 96%

Contribute to solving the challenges of the world

By 2023, we will have invested €50 million to support highly vulnerable women.

Target  2023: 50,000,000 Target reached in 2021: 12,000,000

By 2030, the L’Oréal fund for Nature Regeneration will have invested €50 million to help restore 1 million hectares of degraded ecosystems.

Target 2023: 50,000,000 Target reached in  2021:  2,000,000

By 2030, the Fund will have helped capture 15 to 20 million tonnes of CO2 and we will have created hundreds of jobs opportunities.

Target 2030: 985,089 Target achieved in 2021: 3,000,000

By 2022, the Product Environmental and Social Labelling system will apply to all the Group’s rinse-off products(6).

The impacts in terms of CO2 and job creation will be measured and published once the projects have reached maturity

By 2030, we will have invested €50 million to finance projects that will help promote a more circular economy.

The Fund will construct and deploy its investment portfolio from 2022.

(5) Industrial sites.

(6) In 2021, an environmental impact score was calculated for 76% of the Group’s rinse-off products; labelling showing these scores, together with their social impact data, will be gradually rolled out in our markets.