1.4. An organisation serving the Group’s development

1. Presentation of the Group integrated report

1.4. An organisation serving the Group’s development

The Group’s organisation responds to a dual challenge: pursuing the strategy which has enabled L’Oréal to be successful over the last 110 years and at the same time inventing the new L’Oréal of the future, perfectly matched to an ever-changing world.

1.4.1.  L’Oréal S.A.

L’Oréal S.A. is a French company, with its head office in France. It performs a domestic sales activity in France and an export sales activity in its operating territory. At the same time, L’Oréal S.A. also acts as the holding company and provides on the one hand strategic coordination, and scientific and technical coordination for the Group throughout the world on the other hand.

The subsidiaries operate the Group’s business activities in the country or region in which they are located. To do so, they define the development strategy specific to their market, make the most suitable choices in terms of consumer targets and distribution channels, and manufacture, directly or indirectly, and market the brands they decide to sell on their market.

Almost all of the subsidiaries are owned by L’Oréal S.A. which has a holding or control percentage equal or close to 100%(1). The detailed list of these subsidiaries is set out in the notes to the consolidated and parent company financial statements.

1.4.2.  Operational Divisions

The Group’s business activities are organised into four Operational Divisions. In the markets, each of these Divisions develops and enhances its brand portfolio with consumers (see section 1.2.1. “L’Oréal Group Profile” of this document).

By establishing the Group-wide multi-division Travel Retail Department, the Group has given itself the resources to growth is influential segment using a global shopper strategy: a bespoke approach designed, at the destinations favoured by each nationality, to personalise the experience on the basis of the language, culture and beauty rituals of travellers.

1.4.3.  Geographic zones

The Group’s international development led L’Oréal, from 1 January 2021, to change its organisation to give more coherence to each Zone, particularly in terms of consumer behaviour and market maturity, in order to create the conditions for a cross-functional transformation of the organisation and maximise growth.

Thus the geographic zones, each of which has operational responsibility for the subsidiaries in their country, are as follows:

  • Europe Zone comprises Western and Eastern Europe;
  • North America Zone;
  • North Asia Zone brings together mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan and South Korea;
  • SAPMENA - SSA Zone incorporates South Asia, the Pacific, the Middle East, North Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa; and
  • Latin America Zone.

1.4.4.  Support Divisions

Several specialist corporate departments provide their expertise and support to the Operational Divisions, to subsidiaries in their markets and to the other business activities (see section 1.2.1. “Group Profile” of this document).

(1) Furthermore, it should be noted, that pursuant to Article L. 232-1 of the French Commercial Code, L’Oréal S.A. has branches.