2. Corporate Governance

5.3.2. Work organisation

The Committee meets when convened by its Chairman/Chairwoman, whenever the Chairman/Chairwoman or Board considers this appropriate.

The agenda of the meetings is set by the Chairman/Chairwoman of the Committee, in relation with the Board if the latter initiated the convening of the meeting.

The Committee may meet at any time it considers to be appropriate, for example to assess the performance of the Company’s senior managers.

The Chairman/Chairwoman of the Board is associated with its work, except with regard to all the topics concerning him or her personally.

The Committee must regularly report on its work to the Board and makes proposals to the Board.

5.4. Human Resources and Remuneration Committee
5.4.1. Remits

The Board freely determines the remuneration of the Chairman/Chairwoman, the Chief Executive Officer and the Deputy Chief Executive Officers.

Within this framework, the main tasks of the Human Resources and Remuneration Committee are to make proposals with regard to the following in particular:

  • the fixed and variable remuneration of the Chairman/Chairwoman of the Board and any other benefits he or she receives;
  • the fixed and variable remuneration of the Chief Executive Officer and any other benefits he or she receives (pension, severance indemnities, etc.); 
  • the amount of the remuneration package for Directors to be submitted to the Annual General Meeting and the method of distribution;
  • the implementation of long-term incentive plans such as, for example, those that could provide for the distribution of stock options or for free grants of shares.

The Committee considers questions relating to the remuneration of corporate officers outside their presence.

The Committee also examines:

  • all of the other components of the Human Resources policy including employee relations, recruitment, diversity, talent management and fostering employee loyalty. As part of this review, the Committee is informed, in particular, of the remuneration policy for the main senior managers who are not holding a corporate office;
  • the rules of ethical conduct, as set out in the Code of Business Ethics, and the Group’s strong values, such as respect and integrity, which must be widely disseminated, known and put into practice.
5.4.2. Work organisation

The Committee meets when convened by its Chairman/Chairwoman, whenever the Chairman/Chairwoman or Board considers this appropriate. The agenda of the meetings is set by the Chairman/Chairwoman of the Committee, in relation with the Board if the latter initiated the convening of the meeting.

The Committee may meet at any time it considers to be appropriate, for example to assess the performance of the Company’s senior managers.

The Chairman/Chairwoman of the Board is associated with its work, except with regard to all the topics concerning him or her personally. The Committee is required to report regularly on its work to the Board and make proposals to the Board.

6. Remuneration of Directors

Directors receive a remuneration in this capacity, the amount of which is approved by the Ordinary General Meeting, and which is allocated as decided by the Board.

The method of allocation of this remuneration comprises a predominant variable portion determined on the basis of the regularity of attendance at Board and Committee meetings.

The Board of Directors may award exceptional remuneration for specific assignments or offices entrusted to the Directors and subject to related-party agreements.

The Directors have the possibility of asking for reimbursement of the expenses necessary for the performance of their corporate office upon presentation of supporting documents.